PTO Meeting Info and Minutes
PTO Meeting Info and Minutes
PTO Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of each month from 6:30 -8pm. If you need to come a little late or scoot out early, that is perfectly fine!!!!
These meetings are a great chance to hear from the Principal, meet other parents, and find out a bit more about the PTO and how you can get involved.
All meetings will be held in the Atrium. Come through the main lobby and down the stairs to join us.
***Child care will be provided at each meeting in the gym adjacent to the atrium, so bring along the kids to play while you are at the meeting. Parents must remain in the building and retain responsibility for their children while their children are on site. ***
December 2016 - meeting canceled due to weather
October 2016 - meeting canceled due to weather
PTO Agendas & Minutes
Agenda April 14, 2015
* Friendship Night
* Teacher/Staff Luncheon
* Budget
* Officer nominations for next year
*School Supplies *Upcoming Events
- vote in our new secretary;
- August event updates:
* School Supplies - Jen Roan
* New Student Orientation - Julie Yoder
* Kindergarten Ice Cream Social - Dawn Keller
* First Day Tagging - Dawn Keller
* First Day Packets - Jen Roan;
- Event Chairs (what's filled and what's available);
- Timeline of Year's Events;
- Initial Budget;
* Followup from last meetings Action Items * Revised 2013/14 Budget * Fall Fundraising * PTO Newsletter * Upcoming Events